For 40 years Megan has been teaching students with integrity, insight and love to use dance and the ancient practice of yoga to better know themselves. Mirroring students into to the perfect system of guidance within, each learns to navigate their own embodiment, with introspection and integrity to find empowerment and freedom.
Years of experience teaching public yoga classes full time, private sessions with many dedicated students, and a thorough knowledge of anatomy and therapeutic alignment inform her instruction.
45 years of study with the following masters, to which she owes each tremendous gratitude:
as a professional Dancer in Chicago and NYC (Joel Hall dancers, Newdance Consort, Mary Hinkson, Paul Sanasardo, Zena Rommette), as a yogi and yoga instructor (Erich Schiffmann, John Friend, Douglas Keller, Deb Newbauer, Josh Montoya), in neurocore and fascia (Eli Thompson and Karen Gabler), in AIS training (Ben Benjamin), in Reiki (Ria Ray), in meditation (Gangaji and Eli), in Zero Balancing (Ty Romjin), in Craniosacral therapy with Upledger Institute and for years of support in nervous system regulation from Ellen Fitzpatrick.
She blends formal study with creative process and draws inspiration from her love of life.